۱۳۹۵ مهر ۱۵, پنجشنبه

A.H.Banisadr: Human Rights in Koran. The most complete Human Rights declaration

This book is an antidote to fundamentalist Islamic terrorism and ultranationalist and xenophobic movements in the west. It is the most complete Human Rights declaration ever written, and all directly extracted from the Koran. A.H. Banisadr, who was the main theoretician of the 1979 Iranian revolution, elaborated Islam as a discourse of liberty. He became the first elected president of post-revolutionary Iran and eventually confronted ayatollah Khomeini as Khomeini tried to reconstruct dictatorship under the garb of Islam. A fatwa was issued for Banisadr’s execution, assassination attempts were made against him, and eventually he chose a life of exile in Paris where he continues his struggle for democracy and social justice in an independent and free Iran. During this time, writing more than 20 books, he has provided a powerful alternative from political, socio-economical and cultural perspectives for a future form of governance in Iran, which he calls 'The Republic of Citizens'. In this 200-page book,  you can see he has added 12 extra articles to the 'United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights'. It should be emphasized that all 42 articles are extracted directly from the Koran. In the coming days, he will have an interview with a major French TV channel. I will share this when it is available. 

The book is written in French. Key Koranic words which have been mistranslated in western languages (as they are translated within various discourses of power) are corrected within it. We are hoping that the book will be translated into English as soon as possible. As you know, anti-Islamic books and authors always receive massive publicity, while such transformative works are not. Our hope is that free thinking people do their best in using social media to overcome this deficit.

All comments and questions, either here or through private messages, are most welcome and will be sent to the author. He will answer them as soon as his time permits. 

ce jour en librairie
Le discours du Coran, comme le lecteur pourra le constater dans ce livre, n'est pas un discours de pouvoir mais un discours de liberté. Selon le Coran, les droits de l'Homme et de la nature constituent un ensemble, dans lequel aucun droit n'est incompatible avec les autres et/ou ne prime sur les autres — et tous sont intrinsèques à la vie car seuls leur respect et leur application permettent l'épanouissement de l'Homme et de sa vie dans la dignité. Aucun devoir n'est préconisé qui ne soit une application de ces droits.
J'ai écrit ce livre car il m'a paru fondamental d'empêcher tout pouvoir se réclamant de l’Islam de confisquer le message du Coran et de montrer l'ampleur de l'aliénation et de la déformation de ce dernier par les États ou les organisations qui s’en revendiquent de pour s’imposer par la force. De plus, je suis convaincu que l'appropriation de ce message de liberté du Coran par les peuples musulmans constitue une étape fondamentale dans leur marche vers la liberté, l'indépendance et un progrès basé sur la justice.

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